God’s Will
Somehow the idea of “God’s Will” triggers a feeling of unease and trepidation, and even guilt within our being. Deep within we have a misunderstanding or block that separates us from the Will of God. It seems to feel that God’s Will is something separate from our own free will; that God’s Will for us will […]
The Truth about “Good Manners”
…What you Really Need to Know About Denying Yourself for Others… I spent a good part of my life trying to please others, without even realizing that I was denying my true feelings. I never directly addressed my true feelings with others because I wanted to be “nice” and I was uncomfortable with disharmony or conflict.
Transformational Times
The focus of our energies is an important factor to consider at all times. Are we focusing on positive changes, self-empowerment, being responsible for our actions, thoughts and feelings? There are so many victims in this world; victims of time and space, the environment, our interactions with others. Few people want to take responsibility for the […]
The Benefits of Letting Go of Attachment!
Attachment primarily involves expectation and this brings limitation into our lives. Limitation is a constant source of agitation, which diminishes our vibration. When we are attached we have a vested interest in having people, situations or events unfold in a particular manner or pattern. All pain comes from attachment because when the object, thought, person or […]
Success on the Spiritual Path
How does one define success in its truest form? In worldly terms we have a vast array of ideas of what constitute a successful life ~ fame, acclaim, status, wealth, influence over others, notoriety, popularity, public service …… such are the distinctions that the world values and holds in esteem.
So This Is Healing?
There is a different path, for those awakened spiritual beings, than the journey for the masses. This is true in all aspects of life, from the profound to the mundane. But this is especially true when one is looking at matters of physical, mental and emotional health. It is an interesting irony, that when one […]
Faith and Trust
Those of us who are living our lives with focus on our spiritual path like to believe that we are full of faith and trust in the Supreme Source. Our lives are focused on growing and expanding, elevating our consciousness and reaching higher levels of peace and harmony within.
Empowered Living
Mass consciousness around the earth still holds, primarily, the vibration and consciousness of victimization. Today, more than ever before we are watching this belief system play out and reap havoc in our world.